Plot has been placed just 15m to the outside of the loop trail. Across the trail to the interior of the loop is the zoo. Plot is on low slope of wooded mountainside and drains into a wash running through the center of the loop. Upslope the forest goes to a dry white oak forest;Overstory dominated by white oak with a clump of chinquapin. Relatively dense herb layer covering 3/4 of plot from th southwest side. Redbud, buckey and elm dominate the S2. The forest floor is covered with stiltgrass. There are obvious signs of deer herbivory on the low growing herbs and shrubs.
Plot was placed to capture previously documented Guayandotte beauty location and an occurance of a small stand of chinquapin. This community has been observed in small patches along the Wilderness trail. The patches are always small and weedy.